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Scholarship applications will are open through August 14

The first round of scholarship reviews will begin in early July. It's best to submit your application early to be consider in the first round of review! 

The first round of awards will be made at the end of July.
Funding permitting, the second round of awards will be made in early September.


Scholarships are available to eligible attendees including students and participants from underrepresented communities. Scholarships will be awarded based on need and the participant’s role at the Reef Futures. 


Scholarship packages will include registration fee and hotel accommodations (double occupancy).


Preference will be given to developing nations and hardship cases. Participants with means to cover their own cost or have other sources of funding are encouraged to do so as every effort is being made to develop a robust list of attendees.

Previous Scholarship Awards 

The red pins on the map below represent the nations (17 developing nations, 22 nations overall) of the Reef Futures 2022 scholarship awardees.


Scholarships were awarded to 38 participants representing practitioners, researchers, and students.

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The Coral Restoration Consortium (CRC) is the global community of practice dedicated to restoring corals in the places where they are most needed.​

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